Enjoy a taste of Kailasam at home with our relaxing yoga CD - a bargain at £15
Yoga for body, mind and spirit
Diana Shipp
(Dip. British Wheel of Yoga and International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre)
• Easy-to follow instructions
• Familiar yoga postures
• Relaxing and energising
• Improve your daily well-being
• Connect with your inner being
• Asana and Pranayama
• Individual tracks
• Make your own sequence or follow ours
This double audio CD set includes yoga postures, breathing and relaxation.
Motivate yourself and feel really good as you follow Diana’s calm, reassuring voice and clear instructions.
CD 1 Relaxation, breathing and limbering 40 minutes
CD 2 Yoga postures and relaxation 72 minutes
Includes booklet with clearly-drawn stick people to help you.
We suggest a 35-minute relaxation sequence - perfect after a long day - and a 50-minute sequence that will leave you feeling refreshed and full of energy.